Apache2 Module mod_auth_pq_sql

PostgreSQL Authentication

This module allows user authentication (and can log authentication requests) against information stored in a PostgreSQL database.
This page documents version 1.1.0 of mod_auth_pq_sql.
It is tested with Apache 2.4.7 and PostreSQL 9.3.4, but should work with any current Apache 2.4.x and any PostgreSQL version.

This module is based on the source of mod_auth_pgsql v2.0.3 by Giuseppe Tanzilli.
See http://www.giuseppetanzilli.it/mod_auth_pgsql2/ for more information.

Module Directives | Download | Compilation & Installation Notes | Example | Technical Notes | Changelog



Syntax: Auth_PQ_dbhost hostname
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies the host on which the postmaster is running. It is optional, if not specified a unix socket connection will be used.
The effective uid of the server should be allowed access, otherwise a trusted user or user with password must be specified.


Syntax: Auth_PQ_dbport port_number
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies the TCP/IP port number at which the postmaster is listening for connections.


Syntax: Auth_PQ_dbname database_name
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies the name of the database to connect to.


Syntax: Auth_PQ_dboptions option_string
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies an option string to be passed to the PostgreSQL backend process. Refer to the PostgreSQL user manual for a description of the available options.


Syntax: Auth_PQ_dbuser username
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies the database username who access the PostgreSQL, should have privileges on all tables specified in a SELECT statements or execution privilege of any function used.
Needed if the user who make the query is differrent from the user runnig apache, or if the postmater is on a different server and you must authenticate with password.


Syntax: Auth_PQ_dbpass password
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies the password for the user who access the PostgreSQL.
Needed if the user specified with Auth_PQ_dbuser is not trusted.


Syntax: Auth_PQ_login_check_sql sql_statement
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies a SQL statement for checking a username/password combination. It has to return a boolean value.
The Statement has to contain two variable placeholders: $1 for the actual username and $2 for the password.


Syntax: Auth_PQ_group_check_sql sql_statement
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies a SQL statement for checking a username/group combination. It has to return a boolean value.
The Statement has to contain two variable placeholders: $1 for the actual username and $2 for the groupname


Syntax: Auth_PQ_log_check_sql sql_statement
Context: Directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Description: Specifies a SQL statement for saving log information.
The Statement has to contain four variable placeholders: $1 for a timestamp (string), $2 for the username, $3 for the ip address, $4 for the request string.


Here are some examples from apache configuration <Directory> directive you might use to enable PostgreSQL authentication:

PostgreSQL trusted user, Apache user check only

  AuthName "My PostgreSQL Authenticator"
  AuthType basic
  AuthBasicProvider pq_sql
  Auth_PQ_dbhost localhost
  Auth_PQ_dbport 5432
  Auth_PQ_dbuser apache
  Auth_PQ_dbname auth
  Auth_PQ_login_check_sql "SELECT checkpass($1, $2)"
  Require valid-user

PostgreSQL user with password authentication, Apache user/group check

  AuthName "My PostgreSQL Authenticator"
  AuthType basic
  AuthBasicProvider pq_sql
  Auth_PQ_dbhost db-server.local.net
  Auth_PQ_dbport 13000
  Auth_PQ_dbuser www
  Auth_PQ_dbpass verySecret
  Auth_PQ_dbname wwwdb
  Auth_PQ_login_check_sql "SELECT (SELECT pwhash FROM www_users WHERE uname = $1) = sha1($2)"
  Auth_PQ_group_check_sql "SELECT checkgroup($1, $2)"
  Require group staff

PostgreSQL trusted user, Apache user/group check with logging

  AuthName "My PostgreSQL Authenticator"
  AuthType basic
  AuthBasicProvider pq_sql
  Auth_PQ_dbhost localhost
  Auth_PQ_dbport 5432
  Auth_PQ_dbuser apache
  Auth_PQ_dbname auth
  Auth_PQ_login_check_sql "SELECT checkpass($1, $2)"
  Auth_PQ_group_check_sql "SELECT checkgroup($1, $2)"
  Auth_PQ_log_sql "INSERT INTO www_log (ts, uname, ip, req) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)"
  Require group admin

Technical Notes


Compilation & Installation Notes

DSO (dynamic shared object) installation with apxs (APache eXtenSion tool):
  - untar mod_auth_pq_sql  
    cd ~/src
    tar xfz mod_auth_pq_sql-1.1.0.tar.gz
    cd mod_auth_pq_sql-1.1.0
  - make & install as DSO
    sudo make install
Static installation should be possible, but it is untested.
See documentation of original source: http://www.giuseppetanzilli.it/mod_auth_pgsql2/.
